Friday, January 29, 2010

Why I Use Disposable Cameras

Again, these are from college, I am sorting through the archives to find stuff I like while I work on printing new stuff for you all to look at. I shot these with a camera that costs $1.50 and expired color film that cost $0.50. The combination of expired cheap film and plastic lens resulted in these bizarrely colored images. I also printed these, and the color processor I was using at the time (with the always optimistic name HOPE) was having a little trouble that week. For some reason, stuff (I really have no idea what) kept getting stuck on the rollers and making these very strange white marks on the images. But I really really like these pictures. I think that the weird marks and the colors complement each other. Basically, I made a few mistakes, used really inferior materials, and totally lucked out. I think they are beautiful, and I hope you do too.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Drive-By Shooting

These images a
re from a project I did while I was in College. It started as an attempt to capture the awkwardness between people sitting at a bus-stop, but I quickly found out that people don't want to be photographed by complete strangers while they are waiting for a bus. It is a long story, and maybe I will tell it someday, but for now let's just say it didn't work out like I had thought it would. I ended up having my mom drive me around so that I could take pictures out of a car, safely out of the reach of angry bus-stop denizens. These are some of the results, and if you see yourself in these pictures, well you finally know what that was all about. Sorry.